Well, haven’t blogged in a bit – many reasons – really was pushed to get the collection to the showroom in NYC and then there was the sale at the boutique, switching everything from summer to fall, as well as working on my yoga line, I have a mentor who I used to work with in a fabulous “Art to Wear” boutique , and customers would comment on the pieces like, “oh. I can do that” and she would say: ” you think of it, make it and then sell it – then you can say you can do that” and this so the truth- how many great ideas do we have that once the reality of making it happen we discard! I think I am a bit nuts, because I can’t let things go very easily, if I say I want to do it, I push through the challenges and do my best to manifest it, I tend to thrive on multiple projects and each one seems to give to the other – doesn’t always work, I have abandoned many idea – but no stopping me on this one……just wait and see – should launch at the beginning of November.
back to fashion week!
I felt like the collection was awesome when I sent it, and then a week or so goes by and I forgot what I sent because of everything else going on – SOOOO relieved when I got a text from my rep saying she loved everything, and when I arrived at the showroom on W57th she was running around taking pictures and doing a lookbook to send to clients. I also brought my camo jackets, for one of my stores in Boston, and my rep has decided also to sell this collection as well (unexpected) ! The orders are coming in now over the last few days and the big deal on the “White” collection, which we decided to call the knock off line is that I need to order 200 yards of fabric – so if I don’t get close to that in orders, I will be cancelling everything -its like Vegas, baby, but if you aren’t in the game, you cannot win , and its fun to play!!!
these are my girls in NYC….love them!!!
the magic thing about home is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better to come back
Laguna and back today – getting my sequins for the pre-orders from Rome ( that deal is still in negotiation, btw, hope to hear this week) and setting up production for them, KYS , a few smaller orders for other boutiques and the KS boutique. Spiritually, I have to say, there was a lot of magic on this trip, I feel like I didn’t rip myself off because I gave everything my all. NYC always inspiring, a few fashion shows, window shopping , the energy so unlike anywhere else,everyone is so friendly, my clients there are so great, it is so exhilarating, and yet …..its good to be home.. catch you next time, and don’t forget to choose love.