Will I look casually hipster in oversized boys clothes or pretty and feminine in a slip dress. These things matter to me. Its never been about labels for me, but pieces that for one I am comfortable in and for too flatter and express my personality. Will we all stay in leggings until there is a vaccine – or? I think not! I have noticed my clients are finding themselves and what makes their heart sing and some realized that they can choose what they want to wear daily, instead of “whats appropriate” for the given situation, be it work or entertaining at home.
Although we were obsessed in social media at the beginning of quarantine, it seems now we have even taken a step back from that, spending time in small groups and enjoying each others company, having that time together because we are all in the same situation – not being able to travel, some of us working from home and some of us that have lost our jobs, we are social creatures, we love beauty and jewelry, to adorn ourselves, to appreciate beauty in each other, to share our beauty secrets , to whisper abut our love lives (or lack of)

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