Blue Marlin close – so fun – ended up in VIP? ! just by magic here is my dear friend Tanya – she had a house on the island for 20 years and experienced so much there!
Always inspired – mostly as I leave a place it is like stardust that trickles into my spirit from some unknown place and all the things I have seen start to materialize into how I can use them in my work – my favorite outfit that I do not have a picture of me in = was my black sequin hippants, a see through mesh top and a feather headdress – it was for the close of Space and someone came up to me and said “you ARE Ibiza!” what a compliment !!!! here is my one of my fave traveling pieces – my jumpdress , I have it in many different fabrics and patterns – this is the peacock one-
we were in Calle Conte where the sunsets are insane – everywhere there is drumming and beats – and Cafe Mambo has big DJ’s spinning within arms length – I wore my sequin PP dress with my Ibiza boots…and its about what you DON’T wear at Cala Bassa Beach Club.. my favorite beach on the island …I’ll let you use your imagination on that one….
a quick stop for the end of Fashion Week – I usually work a show here and really missed that interaction – BUT – beautiful, sunny, COLD! coming from the Mediterranean a bit of a “WHAAAA?” moment. did not have the right clothes – but I did have one of my new electric blue fur trimmed mink and leather vest (what a mouthful!) and here I am on the Siene speaking un puex de Francais !
Pretty much wore the same thing both days! But loved walking and getting SO lost in the curvy feminine streets.
As usual – grateful to be home – time to get busy and rock n roll ! Au revoir! Hasta Luego! Ciao !