This week came in like a breath of fresh air…I had a complete Light go on about how I can be – I felt the under pressure – stressed /overwhelmed energy clearly against the I got this energy – like two paths in front of me and I saw I could decide how I want to feel and vibrate and therefore attract during this process – it is my choice and I am the only one that can make it- no one can do that for me.
Many things have come from doing this blog – the most surprising one to me is that people are reading it!!! Clients, friends and acquaintances sending me messages of encouragement, support and concern (you know who you are…just sayin’) its really caught me off guard to realize I am exposing my creative process and my vulnerabilities – that I so don’t have it all together and then to know someone knows this about me – its actually inspired me to be more of an authentic junkie -like who can I be more real with (and you know who you are) breaking the masks of the ego little by little –
My collection is looking INSANE!!!! and I see the original foundation of 15 pieces , 5 groups of 3 – has actually shifted, loosened up and now is coming together like a beautiful song, with the notes being the different outfits. This looseness I think is that magical element when as an artist I am in the groove, it comes through me not from me. My creative genius of a friend, Jim Olarte, once again coming to my rescue on some feedback and I will need him one more time at least before I go, to help me figure out the order of the collection, I am going to miss him at my show more than words can say – I realize how much I depend on him. I also had to do a playlist for the show and another friend is helping me with that, a local DJ, Laura Buckle (check her radio show out) and I also found out I had to do a program AND get it printed (all these things and more happened last week – thats the reason for the I am sick of me blog) I have say I am so grateful for my friends, not only for their talent but for there help, when I know they are busy with their own lives – Diana Garreau – graphic master artist – jumped in to help me do the program….
so here we are and I will leave you this week with some inspiration from my conversation with my Kabbalah teacher today…. he said that appreciation is the vessel that holds blessings.. all the things the Creator has given us, from the smell of the ocean to the sweet sounds of the crickets, the people who touch our lives, the people we touch, and all the magic that is the essence of all of life … where can we increase our appreciation and draw blessings into our lives, for ourselves and for others . xx